Somatic Therapy + Holistic Wellness

Each Growth Process is as Unique as You Are +++ The Answers you Seek, Exist Within

Which means it’s a perfect time for you to grow your capacity for wholeness + access to your inner wisdom…
To decode, translate and call upon your life experiences as medicine for the days to come…
To create a life or leadership that grows without resistance, drama or burnout…

We want you to experience your past ‘paying forward’ as wisdom, not warning.
To embrace your story, challenges + truth… to create a life that is authentically yours…


“ Why Somatic Therapy + Holistic Counselling? Honestly,
I lived my first 40yrs deep under the covers of my own personal woundings… a buildup of trauma and subsequent personal, emotional + mental habits.

Somatic Therapy, Mindfulness, Meditation, Mindset + more
These are what cleared the lens for me… and set me free.

So, it’s a ‘pay it forward’ kind of thing for me ;)”

xx Sara

"You. Are. Incredible. Truly a gift to humanity!
Thank you sooooooooo much for my session today.

Afterwards I journaled pages upon pages… It was perfect timing.
The realization I had around money FULLY landed. Wow! This is life-changing! 

I feel like we jumped in the deep end and there's so much to explore. 

This work is transformational!" xx PJ

We want you to experience that
Life is Happening FOR you… not TO you.

We want you to learn to be open, curious and ok with whatever rises in life…
To navigate evolving, challenging + ambiguous times in your life with bravery and resilience…

Also, of course, in support of the resolution of trauma while building resilience + agility for life moving forward.
Not to mention methods that encourage emotional bravery, generative decision making + more.

In this corner of my mentoring practice, you will be cultivating
Somatic Resilience + Holistic Wellness ( Rhythmic Living ) Practices…

With Somatic Therapy… your healing + growth occurs by soothing, regulating and growing the mind-body connection…
This unearths, amplifies + translates your inner wisdom… which becomes personal growth that lasts a lifetime.

Mindfulness + HigherMind Development teachings come together as a holistic wellness technique we call RhythmicLiving™
To help you cultivate a life that is open, curious and steady... paying your past forward as wisdom, not warning.

This is THE pathway for you if you are ready to evolve from within…

  • “As a spaceholder and guide, Sara offers acceptance, encouragement, wisdom, intuition, and a truth bomb when you need it! At this point, I can't imagine my life without her voice in it.”

  • “Sara is incredibly talented at leading others to finding their own truth, at their own pace, and in their own unique way.”

  • “Awakening to all that life has to offer and knowing life is happening for me, always, is the best gift I could have imagined.”

  • “She is patient enough to listen, yet confident enough to call me out when needed. It is rare to find someone with the ability to consistently guide the conversation so it concludes with you leaving empowered. After every session I felt motivated and energized.”

  • “As a spaceholder and guide, Sara offers acceptance, encouragement, wisdom, intuition, and a truth bomb when you need it! I can't imagine my life without her voice in it.”

  • “She's "the one" I can unravel everything with... There's a lot of ease in working with Sara. I always leave my time with her feeling inspired and refreshed for what life has to offer. "

  • I would recommend her to anyone who is ready to start getting out of their own way and step firmly into their power and truth.”

  • “Sara has a unique way of seeing patterns and is a highly skilled coach. She held space for me to crack wide open, and then lovingly walked alongside me as I found my way to my truth.”

  • “I love how Sara can meet me where I'm at, and hone into the underlying aspects of where I'm feeling resistance to my world. She can see clearly where growth is needed before I do.

  • “She patiently leads me towards finding my own understanding of what is causing me difficulty and gently guides me towards empowering beliefs.”

  • I have been working with Sara for three years now! It feels like I have known her all my life. Sara held space for me while I unpacked everything that I needed to set myself free, which has brought me to a place where I have such a clearer understanding of the rhythms in my life. Sara has taught me to listen deeply and trust that answers will come.

  • “I am always gently guided to keep evolving to be the best version of myself. My relationships have grown stronger and healthier. That includes my relationship with self, children and friends

  • “I’m always drawn in by Sara's ability to hold space + lean in wholeheartedly. Her honest direct demeanour is offered with full compassion and her incredible intuition keeps me coming back always. I have grown so much as a person!”

"My session with Sara was so great! She helped me understand myself and
how to improve my situation. How to harness my inherent skills to grow with more ease. 

Using my unique gifts and to see the signs of when I am off track.
So, now I feel super ready to generate the life that I have been craving…

Thanks so much” -- Emma

"Holy Wow! Trying to come up with words to describe the impact
of my session with Sara feels impossible.

It literally changed my life and allowed me to see things in such a different light.

It was as if in our short time together she handed me the instruction manual for my life,
so that now I'm able to use my energy and my strengths with purpose and intention.
And, I understand myself and what I'm moving through at such a deep level now.

This work is transformational! Thank you so much love!”

XOXO - Anna

What the heck is Somatic Experiencing anyways?!

“ Somatic Experiencing aims to engage the body as a personal therapy technique to draw from the
basic function + expressions of the nervous system… allowing an individual to tap into an their capacity
to heal by listening to their body, incorporating what’s known as body psychotherapy.

This involves sensing and acknowledging the language of the physical form ( what the body is saying ),
engaging their senses ( creating meaning ), navigating their system expressing itself with curiosity and openness,
and ultimately, calming down their nervous system… so they can engage a more generative lens of life, self + path.

Somatic Experiencing helps you develop resources within yourself to self-regulate + create ease.

It helps you navigate and smooth your emotions, move out of the fight/flight/freeze response and into a higher-functioning mode
where you can think and move through life more clearly. Through developing awareness of the mind-body connection
and using specific interventions, somatic therapy helps to release the tension, anger, frustration, and other emotions that remain in the
body from past negative experiences. The goal is to help free you from what is preventing you from fully engaging in your lives. ““

Find out more about Somatic Experiencing @

  • “Oh my goodness... where do I begin?! Sara is such a beautiful soul. She has a way about her that makes you feel so safe. ”I truly feel like a new person. I am happier, more alive and more open since beginning my adventure with Sara.”

  • “She genuinely cares + lovingly guides… I regularly recommend her fabulous sessions to others and they have shared messages of gratitude + praise back to me after working with Sara. Her craft, skill, and soulful ways are a god-send. I send EVERYONE her way.” “Jump right in with Sara, you will be beyond thrilled"

  • “I like to think of myself as intuitive and living with the flow pretty well, but Sara and her epic Rhythm Map helped me go to an entirely new level. It was a complete gamechanger”

  • “Sara has an incredible gift of being able to sense and name the invisible stuff that I'm not seeing, and help me to integrate it more swiftly and powerfully than anyone I've worked with.

  • She totally gets the journey of "entrepreneurship" as a self-actualization journey with predictable patterns and stages, and her birds eye view has helped me become even more adept at decoding my experiences in empowering ways.”

  • I am always surprised by how easily my thoughts and emotions flow when we are talking. In our journey so far, Sara has helped me have a deeper understanding of myself, and of the world around me. I have become so much more aware and observant of my surroundings, It is a beautiful feeling to be able to see the world so clearly!”

  • I just had a Rhythm Map Session and WOW! I feel so seen, understood and empowered to be the true me out in the world. The level of detail was impressive and so, so appreciated.”

  • “She patiently leads me towards finding my own understanding of what is causing me difficulty and gently guides me towards empowering beliefs.”

  • I have been working with Sara for three years now! It feels like I have known her all my life. Sara held space for me while I unpacked everything that I needed to set myself free, which has brought me to a place where I have such a clearer understanding of the rhythms in my life. Sara has taught me to listen deeply and trust that answers will come.

  • “Sara is incredibly talented at leading others to finding their own truth, at their own pace, and in their own unique way.”

  • “I am always gently guided to keep evolving to be the best version of myself. My relationships have grown stronger and healthier. That includes my relationship with self, children and friends

  • “I’m always drawn in by Sara's ability to hold space + lean in wholeheartedly. Her honest direct demeanour is offered with full compassion and her incredible intuition keeps me coming back always. I have grown so much as a person!”

Before you dive in further, let me just say…
’My World’ + Mentoring is not Cookie Cutter in anyway! 

+++ To note that I am, and this space, is multi-dimensional is an understatement.

Looking for a Somatic Therapist + Holistic Wellness Mentor … #check
What about an Energetic, Universal - Spiritual Teacher … #handled
Need a Coach Development + Leadership Coach … #looknofurther

I have worn A LOT of hats throughout my 15yrs+ of Mentoring… It would be impossible for me to
leave almost any of them behind as they all work together so powerfully for your growth

If you are looking for a ‘telling’, hyper-accountability oriented coach
that loves ‘hand holding’ I am likely not your gal ;)

I am your #janeofalltrades mentor that brings whatever YOU need into the process. Just sayin’ ;)

Into ‘sweet deals’?! I don’t know about you… but I LOVE them ;)

Feel free to request a special rate code that you can use for
booking a session, growth pod series, mentoring pathways + more

Book Your Session Below.


This is where you take your next steps.

Here is what is included…

+++ 60 - 90min Somatic Therapy + Rhythmic Living Session

+++ ( Optional ) In-depth Rhythm Mastery ‘Assessment’ to Decode ‘Where You Are’
+++ A 3day Open Access Q+A Window … w. Sara via WhatsApp


Book Your Session Below and we will be in touch shortly >>

I am currently completing the Somatic Experiencing International -- Somatic Therapist Certification
So, until completion… Sessions + Mentoring are sub-clinical in nature meaning that you are investing in a process not an outcome -
This lands in the category of life + wellness coaching… not clinical therapy, counselling, medical guidance, etc.

*** Questions prior to booking - please reach out to ***


If you are interested in support that extends beyond solo sessions,
I offer mentoring that can be completely personalized for you…

‘White Rabbit’

Looking for ‘NOW’ Evolution?!
White Rabbit Sprints might be for you ;)

This pace of mentoring is fantastic for situations happening now or goals you have with a timeline or intensity to them ;)

8wk + 8 Session Mentoring
Ongoing Support via WhatsApp
+++ 360 Mentoring… Any Focus

‘My Pocket Guru’

Prefer an Explorative, Ongoing Growth Experience… me in your ‘Back Pocket’?!

Working together over a year is amazing for enduring growth, birthing your business, leadership + more… The ‘Year of You’

12mth Readership-Mentoring
Ongoing Support via WhatsApp
+++ 360 Mentoring… Any Focus


Let’s turn over every stone… dig deep to rise high in this full scope container…

Sometimes you just need to go deep to
re-invent the whole darn thing… heal life, death or birth… With me as your guide

3mth+ DeepDive ReInventions
This mentoring option is deeply personalized and created privately


Here’s to you Finding Stillness on the Everyday…

Rising Vibe Meditations bring a myriad of channeled insights, up-cycled client personalized
meditations +++ collective readings for our mastermind groups together in one collection!
They tend to be lyrical in nature with musical background - amazing for a little daily calibration


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