The ‘Open Door’ MasterClass

Mindful Living + Leadership can feel like an ever-evolving balancing act between
world happenings, collective energetics, personal growth… shifting constantly…. Am I right?!

We know that this can feel windy … sometimes dramatic … hopefully expansive + empowering ;)

No matter how your path is unfolding for you, we wanted to create a space to gather… for you to explore,
decode + potentiate ‘all the things’ moving through so you can translate them into ‘powerfully ;)” into life + leadership…

Typically, my community and clients congregate in ‘The Maven Project’…
Though, we love to meet new friends and more of the world!

So, each month… When we gather, explore + dive deep together…

We love to Open the Door for all ;)

Really, it is more of an un-masterclass… in a sea of ‘talking head’,
pre-recorded sessions that replay the same content over and over…
THIS is more of a Satsang — Wisdom, Mentoring + Open Circle

Think of it as a deep dive, plunge, immersion + more…
into the World of Life, Leadership, Rhythm Mastery + Mapping™

Saturday May 25th @ 8-930am PST

+++ Attendees receive Special Rates for Readings + Mentoring
** Those who join us get the #monthlyspecialcode for sessions

+++ We also love to do LiveDraws for FREE Things while we are there…