My Pocket Guru Readership

Ready to master your Energetic, Life + Leadership Growth Patterns … how you’re
designed to create vitality, money, time, love and power in your own, unique way?!

Do you want to have a ‘finger on the pulse’ of collective energetics, the power of your leadership
+ what it takes to cultivate and potentiate your inner + outer mastery?… 

This is the Year of YOU… A Mentoring Pathway created to help you calibrate your
ability to receive, liberate + potentiate the next level version of you that is trying to emerge.


It’s been such an honor working with Sara this past year.

Being new to everything in this world, I felt a little intimidated at first, but the idea that there are universal rhythms that contribute to
my own “personal” rhythm AND if I could tune into that rhythm I could potentially achieve “mastery” of myself…was REALLY compelling.

In such a short time, I cannot express how much working with Sara has helped me step into my “own” shoes while transitioning
from one career to another, selling an old business and starting a new one, and during the most challenging year of my life.

It honestly felt like I was in a war zone… and despite all this, with her gentle guidance,
I was still able to find myself, navigate through, and gain clarity along the way.

Her coaching highlighted parts of me that have always been there, I just needed to know what they were in order to get out of my own way.
She helped me hone in on the way I naturally functioned, what I was innately gifted at, how I was specifically designed, and use it to my advantage.

Sara somehow brings forth clarity from chaos.

She just has a way of asking the right question. And even if you don’t know the answer…
it seems to give you movement in a forward direction regardless. Until the answer, just comes.

It’s like she has a way of making the “incomprehensible” comprehendible…

She gives a flicker of an idea and as it percolates and life happens, sometimes putting on a squeeze,
a deeper understanding of it develops. The light bulb goes on and everything becomes clear…all in perfect timing!!

Her intuition and guidance have been invaluable in helping me navigate all the changes in my life and
really helped me step into the “new” me or rather the “me” I always was… I’d just forgotten ;)


It is time to really decide what you want…
’cause you are on the brink of receiving it all.

You may be Rising. You may be Coming Undone.
You may be Re-Claiming + + Intent upon a Greater Vision for your Leadership…

Ultimately, you are on the Verge + Ready to Rise.

Throughout a 12mth Readership-Mentoring, we draw from a unique array of
Somatic Arts, Meditation, Mindset, Mindfulness +++ Energetics via Human Design,
Numerology, Astrology, Archetypes, Gene Keys +++ more…

In a dynamic, emergent + highly personalized space ( that covers all the bases )
we calibrate your inner systems to bring your world into form in a way that is radically
authentic and deeply influential in all directions.

The experiences we are witnessing with clients
at this level of precision is a #gamechanger

We see >> the past evolving into power that becomes a worldwide mission…Psychic channels open to inspire a spaceholding practice…
Whole healing of bodies, families, hearts + minds… Leaving behind legacy of generational trauma that becomes a legacy of freedom

33x-ing revenue… books published… schools opened + more
Not to mention amazing mentors that align here, on their way to create change for others!

People always say, what happens in this space “defies imagination”…

Inspiring you to potentiate and create from the power of your mind, voice,
heart + soul… to grow, influence and receive in a much higher form.

  • “Sara is incredibly talented at leading others to finding their own truth, at their own pace, and in their own unique way.”

  • “As a spaceholder and guide, Sara offers acceptance, encouragement, wisdom, intuition, and a truth bomb when you need it! At this point, I can't imagine my life without her voice in it.”

  • “Awakening to all that life has to offer and knowing life is happening for me, always, is the best gift I could have imagined.”

  • “She is patient enough to listen, yet confident enough to call me out when needed. It is rare to find someone with the ability to consistently guide the conversation so it concludes with you leaving empowered. After every session I felt motivated and energized.”

  • “As a spaceholder and guide, Sara offers acceptance, encouragement, wisdom, intuition, and a truth bomb when you need it! I can't imagine my life without her voice in it.”

  • “She's "the one" I can unravel everything with... There's a lot of ease in working with Sara. I always leave my time with her feeling inspired and refreshed for what life has to offer. "

  • I would recommend her to anyone who is ready to start getting out of their own way and step firmly into their power and truth.”

  • “Sara has a unique way of seeing patterns and is a highly skilled coach. She held space for me to crack wide open, and then lovingly walked alongside me as I found my way to my truth.”

  • “I love how Sara can meet me where I'm at, and hone into the underlying aspects of where I'm feeling resistance to my world. She can see clearly where growth is needed before I do.

  • “She patiently leads me towards finding my own understanding of what is causing me difficulty and gently guides me towards empowering beliefs.”

  • I have been working with Sara for three years now! It feels like I have known her all my life. Sara held space for me while I unpacked everything that I needed to set myself free, which has brought me to a place where I have such a clearer understanding of the rhythms in my life. Sara has taught me to listen deeply and trust that answers will come.

  • “I am always gently guided to keep evolving to be the best version of myself. My relationships have grown stronger and healthier. That includes my relationship with self, children and friends

  • “I’m always drawn in by Sara's ability to hold space + lean in wholeheartedly. Her honest direct demeanour is offered with full compassion and her incredible intuition keeps me coming back always. I have grown so much as a person!”


“Be ready to get real and awaken to a world you didn't know existed!!”

“I always knew I had something to say and share with others.
For so long this felt like a burden or something I had to hide.

Sara helped me find my voice and trust that it meant something important.
From there, she guided me to recreate what wellness looked like and to come home to myself
from a past that I wasn’t sure would allow me. Then she helped me figure out what that
looked like as a coach and how to build it into something that supported me and my family.

Then she helped me celebrate when all of this came together…
Dreams coming true over here.”

My Pocket Guru is perfect for you if you are ready dive deep past superficial layers of transformation that don’t last…

You will be willing to take a stand for your own transformation even when your evolution ‘brings the heat’.

Of course, being open to creating with perspectives + possibilities that go beyond what you can see and touch is a must… to get the most out of this experience.

In My Pocket Guru you can expect to experience…

  • A shift from feeling like life is all the things on the surface, happening to you… to being an easeful rhythm that emits from within, for you.

  • Your past becoming a source of power that then becomes a driving and inspirational force in your life and leadership

  • Recalibration of your natural rhythms so that intuition, creativity, influence, prosperity, etc starts to flow

  • A shift from chasing your desires and never catching up to magnetizing your desires with seemingly no effort at all

  • A life where you are an exception to the rules + expand beyond anything you ever thought was possible


The past 2 years I have spent in Sara's world have been life-opening.

At that time I began down this path I was feeling a big pull to stand a in my authenticity 
and step out of the box. It was comfortable in the box ;) Sara has been great at gently poking me out. 

She has helped me tune back into myself, my body, my own rhythms and look & listen within for the answers. 
The foundational practices of rhythm mastery are what I come back to on the daily to ground and re-center...

I am grateful for the self awareness I have developed and never would have guessed that
"leaning into the churn" would allow me to find deeper meaning and purpose. 

Sara is the epitome of a transformational #epic mentor,
using her gifts to guide others to use their gifts in the every day.

Forever grateful for this woman and what she is sharing in this world. 


This is a moment where you claim a new way +++ remember…

We will show and support you to go into the deep, beyond the superficial layers of transformation - to get to the roots of the matter - to really come home to yourself.

Imagine a few months from now, having mastered the rhythms that exist within you - knowing your path + potential…

  • Fully IN Life + Mentoring Practice with a Deep, Authentic Anchoring

  • Anticipating your Growth Milestones, Patterns + Challenges

  • Feeling fully rewarded for your Growth with Time, Love + Money

  • Powerful relationship to your Points of Origin so ‘Past is Power.’

  • Time, space, money + love have come alive for you.

You will be willing to take a stand for your own transformation even when life is uncomfortable + ‘brings the heat’… Can you say ‘move to the beat of your own drum’?!

Of course, you will realize the power of being open to creating with possibility that goes beyond what you can see…

You, Your Highest Self +
The World will Move As One.

Before you dive in further, let me just say…
’My World’ + Mentoring is not Cookie Cutter in anyway! 

+++ To note that I am, and this space, is multi-dimensional is an understatement.

Looking for a Somatic Therapist + Holistic Wellness Mentor … #check
What about an Energetic, Universal - Spiritual Teacher … #handled
Need a Coach Development + Leadership Coach … #looknofurther

I have worn A LOT of hats throughout my 15yrs+ of Mentoring… It would be impossible for me to
leave almost any of them behind as they all work together so powerfully for your growth

If you are looking for a ‘telling’, hyper-accountability oriented coach
that loves ‘hand holding’ I am likely not your gal ;)

I am your #janeofalltrades mentor that brings whatever YOU need into the process. Just sayin’ ;)

Into ‘sweet deals’?! I don’t know about you… but I LOVE them ;)

Feel free to request a special rate code that you can use for
booking a session, growth pod series, mentoring pathways + more

 Bottom Line, your investment into
My Pocket Guru will last you a lifetime…


This is where you take your next steps.

Here is what is included…

+++ 1yr Personalized, Energetic Mastery Mentoring / Readership
+++ ( Optional ) In-depth Rhythm Mastery ‘Assessment’ to Decode ‘Where You Are’

1 @ Deep Dive IceBreaker Session >> Year in Preview Forecast + Planning
2 @ Foundational Energetics Sessions >> Human Design, GeneKeys + Astrology
7 @ Phase Transit Sessions >> Growth, Rhythm Mapping + Practical Coaching

+++ Friends + Family Spotlight Readings ( Special Rates )
+++ Somatic Therapy Sessions ( Special Rates )

+++ 7 @ Personalized Meditations for Somatic Calibrations
+++ Complimentary Access to a Multidimensional Mentoring Space - ‘The Maven Project’


Initiate Your Readership Below and we will be in touch shortly >>

*** Questions prior to booking - please reach out to ***


Here’s to you Finding Stillness on the Everyday…

Rising Vibe Meditations bring a myriad of channeled insights, up-cycled client personalized
meditations +++ collective readings for our mastermind groups together in one collection!
They tend to be lyrical in nature with musical background - amazing for a little daily calibration


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