The Rhythmic Leadership Model

An Up-Cycled MasterClass from The Rhythm + The Maven

Would you like Personalized Support?!

I know for myself… I love a bit ( or a lot ;) of ‘knowing’ guidance when I dive into a new modality and language… Straight from the Source, you know?!

If you have a craving for guidance so you get the most, most, most
out of this experience… feel free to explore the paths below…

First Thought… Join the Maven Project. You can receive ongoing guidance to help you apply these teachings into life and leadership +++ special rates for private mentoring >> More about The Maven

If you are curious about Energetics… book a Cosmic Alchemy Session for all things GeneKeys, HumanDesign + RhythmMap. Use the code #leadership for a Special Rate » Book Here

If you are craving Somatic Therapy meets Holistic Emotional Wellness to learn ‘The Rhythm’… book a Session!
Use the code #leadership for a Special Rate » Book Here
If you are booking for the InPerson Space @ Kamloops, BC » Book Here

If you are an Entrepreneur or Leader inspired to Grow + Inspire Your Biz, Brand or LeaderVibe to a whole new level… Use the code #leadership for a Special Rate… Let’s Connect » Book Here