Everything you need to Heal, Rise + Flourish is Already Within You

+++ You’re Never Late to your Own Party ;) Which means, your Timing is Brilliant!

This is a knowing that we’ve cultivated over many years… many miles
+++ what feels like a million ;) stories from clients, community + our collective alumni.

Which means that…
No matter who, how or why you landed here…
This can be true for you


Rhythm Mastery = Radical World Change


We mentor a brilliant spectrum of humans to lead
(+ live) powerfully from any rhythm they’re in…

Notoriously, it’s women in their mid-life ‘rebirth’ phase…. on the cusp of Radical Awakening, Healing + Growth… Personal Re-Invention + Rising Leadership

We also have space created to support those of you navigating Death + Rebirth Experiences… which includes Trauma Healing + Rhythmic Living Guidance

Not to forget to mention those that are Entrepreneurs that are needing support to birth OR rebirth a brand or business… from burnout, confusion + stagnation to magnetism, flow and creative freedom…

Regardless of who arrives at our door… we offer a blend…

»»» Somatic Therapy + Mindfulness, HigherMind + Meditation Support
»»» Life, Family + Personal Healing and Development Support
»»» Energetic Mentoring with Human Design, GeneKeys + RhythmMapping
»»» Business, Brand + Creative Consulting to create Conscious + Minimalist Businesses

Which means »»» this space is bumpn’ with ‘Rising Mavens’ taking Self Actualization to the #nextlevel through Leadership ( + Life )…

Energy becomes Physiology becomes Your Reality… we help you heal, master + amplify that flow so you can set it free!!!

Pick Your Path, Choose Your Adventure…

This is a multidimensional space. All you need to know is any experience
you choose here comes with a blend of complimentary offerings ;)

YOUR Growth is such a personal and unique process +++
So, we have curated pathways that allow for specialty and 360 support.

Each corner of this space is potent on its own +++ together!!!

Roots + Rhythm Wellness »»» Somatic Therapy + Holistic Counselling »»» Located in Kamloops, BC + Virtually

The Maven Project »»» Leadership, Business + Brand Mentoring and Creative Services
The Rhythm School »»» Group + Self Study Personal Growth Courses and MasterClasses

If you are not sure where to begin and/or are seeking a blended Growth Experience »»»


    An International Network of Rising Leaders, Culture Creators + WayShowers Mastering the Art of Rhythmic Leadership


    A Somatic Therapy + Personal Wellness Space in the Okanagan, offering a Blend of Modalities to support your Whole Self + Life…


    A Self Study + Group Development Ecosystem with a kaleidescope of series that support life, leadership and all the things between…


Oh ;) and btw… Lovely to meet you ;) I am Sara Spada…

I am a Leadership, Coaching Development + Holistic Business Mentor
+++ Also, a Somatic Therapist specializing in Life Transitions, Burnout Recovery, Birth, Death, etc…

Folded all up in that… I am a Mindfulness, HigherMind Coach + Meditation Teacher…
An Energetic Therapist drawing from modalities such as RhythmMap, Human Design, GeneKeys, Astrology…

I also, in previous seasons practiced as a Birth + Death Doula, Yoga Teacher + Trauma Informed Counsellor
+++ Business Development Coach, Brand Designer, Creative Director, Systems Design Specialist and Operations Director

I notoriously support people on ‘the verge’ of new life, artistry, leadership and consciousness…
Yes, I am super multi-dimensional! #janeofalltrades

No need to get your knickers in a knot ;) Maybe you’re thinking …
How can she possibly bring all those passions together?

I’d be lying if I said that sometimes my multi-dimensional nature didn’t leave people curious about how it all works…
But. Whelp. Honestly, I wouldn’t trade it for one second… because, it isn’t about ME… it is about YOU.

Your life is an ever-evolving landscape of experiences, states of being, cravings + needs + more.
So, thank goodness my tickle trunk of teachings is brimming over… we can pull from whatever we need for YOU

THE thing that you will also get to know about me REALLY quickly is…

I live and breath what I bring to your world.
What I share with you, I have also deeply live + practiced for ME.

15yrs and thousands of clients into this journey and I am STILL always evolving for you +++ me ;)


“‘Must Do’ Medicine for all Humans”

“Experiences with Sara have the power to enrich all aspects of my life + business.
She is a powerful force who guides us all to live up to the best versions of ourselves.
Every encounter with this phenomenal woman leaves me with a more powerful approach to my path.”


Whatever Your Story, Wherever You Are Now…
However You Are… It is all just Perfect.

The truth that you are really about to learn is…
You are coming into YOUR time… You are JUST getting started
+++ You are Never Late to Your Own Party ;)

It is TIME to potentiate the !#@&*$#! out of yourself
and show the world what you are truly made of!

The Rhythm + Maven… Instagram or Substack…

Timing is Everything + of the Essence
+++ Seriously, your timing is DIVINE!!!

These days it is becoming all to clear that time, prosperity + purpose…
The ‘new world’ is marching onward… a finite, precious + potent element…

Too often, during this time, we can give over to the ‘spinning’ nature of life...
dissolving into a dusty vitality… blurring our vision… slowing us down or burning us out
in a way that dulls our passion and stagnates the pursuit of our dreams…

Yet, the time we are navigating in humanity is such a potent one...
full of potential for great awakening, influence + prosperity...

An incredible season of re-invention - a surging forward of our ability to translate the
past into wisdom for others … where we give way less &$#&!’s about conforming or living with the
conditions that keep us small … this bridging time is actually when we are most ready to rise!!!

I want you to use this time of life + humanity to its highest potential.


Straight from the Source…


Want to stay connected beyond the frey of social media?

Through our newsletter we offer Rhythmic Leadership ( + Living )
insights, teachings + methods and updates on community experiences, etc

You will ALSO receive a Special Rate Code for 33% to pay forward to your first Solo Session

It would be great way for you to get to know ‘how we roll’…


Maybe you read all of this and are like ‘damn’…
I am not in this for the business or leadership of it all.

+++ Last time I checked… I am no ‘Rising Maven’ ;);)

Don’t fret if you feel you don’t ‘fit into this box’…
We also often end up holding space for friends + family of our clients ;)

There is space for ALL humans including the Rising Youth of the world…
+++ For all the Evolving Men! We see you and love that you are rising too ;)

This space is for anyone that wants to experience a life well lived…
rich with purpose and whole sense of being… a loving connection to body + self…
Not to mention where time, money, love, power, creativity + more expands with ease…

Maybe your friend, loved one or family sent you this way
+++ said you just need to go spend time with Sara ;) It happens so often!


“Sara is truly a multidimensional healer and teacher”

She worked with me as a business mentor and she brought in all of her skills
in human design, rhythm mapping, somatic body work, coaching, and celestial wisdom.

I love working with Sara as she taps into where I am at in the moment and sees where I am going, often before I do.
I was able to see some big blocks in my business and gently shift my mindset and accept the rhythms of who I am!
Her somatic work is gentle and profound. I had an epiphany moment of internal bliss and was given the mantra “everything is easy”.

A game changer for me. Thank you Sara!!”


“Be ready to get real and awaken to a world you didn't know existed!!”

“I always knew I had something to say and share with others.
For so long this felt like a burden or something I had to hide.

Sara helped me find my voice and trust that it meant something important.
From there, she guided me to recreate what wellness looked like and to come home to myself
from a past that I wasn’t sure would allow me. Then she helped me figure out what that
looked like as a coach and how to build it into something that supported me and my family.

Then she helped me celebrate when all of this came together…

Dreams coming true over here.”

One person willing to LIVE is enough to inspire

hundreds to heal and live as well

Isn’t it Brilliant that we’ve been brought together right now?!
Your Unique Being-ness + My Grounded Nature

Bam. Your Vitality + Life + Leadership influence expands exponentially!
People always say, what happens next defies imagination…
If you know DEEP DOWN that it’s time to take things to a whole new level…

If you think, yes OMG that’s me!
S W E E T. You HAVE arrived.


“ Her connection to Spirit and the flow of
intuitive information is profound. She is the ‘Rumi of Rhythm’ ;)”

"Working with Sara activates a remembrance of a time when
we lived in tune with the cycles of earth and cosmos.

She transmits love, grace + the reminder that these cycles are meant to support us and that
when we work with them we operate with the universal wisdom and abundance around us.
We leave all sessions feeling empowered, connected and with a deep understanding
of how we can best harness cycles around and within us.

Sara is truly a treasure and one that we will
return to again and again for guidance."

“This space has quietly + radically changed my whole world…”

” This is THE most effective space I have ever found to create my life and business without resistance, burnout + constantly feeling just out of touch of my power”

“ I cannot imagine my life if I had not come across Sara and her world.
Honestly, it is a complete, and never disappointing game changer”